Associations and no profit

Activism and pro-bono collaborations

A conscious consumer is immune to greenwashing and the pressure of hyper-consumption. They have an ethical perspective on labor and do not turn a blind eye to human exploitation.

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Activism and pro-bono collaborations

Be the change you want to see in the world!
— Mahatma Gandhi

The ancient wisdom of Gandhi encourages us to engage in personal, daily change actions that are detached from any form of economic or social reward.

Every professional who believes in change cannot but be an activist, and that’s why I’ve decided to dedicate a section about activism on the Fashionable Green website.

Personally, activism means doing everything I can to spread accurate information about the impact that fashion has on the planet and on the lives of human beings.

Spreading awareness is the third action that is part of my mission. It involves continuing to impact the market by changing the demand (consumers) to which the supply (brands) will necessarily have to adapt.

A conscious consumer is immune to greenwashing and the pressure of hyper-consumption. They have an ethical perspective on labor and do not turn a blind eye to human exploitation.

So let’s start with schools. A comprehensive education on consumption should connect purchases to their impact. It is from this perspective that “We are the change” was born, my contribution to sustainability education for high school students, both boys and girls.

We Are The Change

A short video (in both Italian and English versions) explains the impact of fashion on the planet in just : an impact in terms of CO2 emissions, consumption of non-renewable resources, pollution from chemicals and micro-plastics, all while highlighting the social impact of clothing production in countries where labor costs are more attractive.

Attached are some workshops that the teacher can propose to the class to help students go into detail the topics covered in the video.

This educational kit was presented on the Ewwr portal during the European Textile Waste Awareness Week held in November 2022 and is available to any high school that requests it by writing to Below video short version:

Collaborations with non-profit organizations

“Think Global, Act Local” is the motto coined in the 1980s by Akio Morita, co-founder, and chairman of Sony.

The concept of “glocalization,” the importance of taking action in one’s local context, is not only crucial for reducing the impact of a the production; applied to activism, it creates visible change and further reinforces our belief in the impact that awareness can have.

I am available and open to pro bono collaborations with non-profit organizations to promote a conscious approach to fashion consumption. I am willing to participate in roundtable discussions and events aimed at spreading accurate and transparent information to consumers.

Activism and Fashion: Fashion Revolution and Clean Clothes Campaign

Support Fashion Revolution and Clean Clothes Campaign and their campaigns to expose labor exploitation in the fashion supply chain.
Sign the “Good clothes, fair Pay” petition to urge companies to provide fair wages. Or find local association in your country: every single actions matter.

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